Nicole Scott

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One Poem | "Mud Season Review"

Two poem publications within a month!? Whaaaat.

This is probably one of the coolest publication offers I’ve received. Not only am I published via Mud Season Review, they chose my poem to be highlighted on this month’s edition of “The Take”.

“The Take” as described by their website as such:

Ever wonder how journal editors make decisions about work to feature? The Take gives you a glimpse behind the scenes at Mud Season Review. Here, we feature one single poem or flash fiction piece that caught the attention of the editorial team, apart from the signature poetry portfolio or fiction piece in our bi-monthly issues. We hear from the author about the inspiration for his or her work, and we hear from a co-editor about why the poem or flash fiction story stood out.

For once in my life, I can actually find out why editors chose a piece I wrote. It was just so humbling to read the kind words they had to say.

What’s even cooler is there is a section for people who hate attempting to discover what a poem means to them! If that sounds like you, you can read what the poem means to me in my very handy-dandy Author’s Statement, in which I sound very pretentious and scholarly but hey, I’m just speaking my truth. ;)

Read a poem I am very proud of, entitled “An Awful Lot Like Blood” right now on Mud Season Review.